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Onramp to Vim

Get up and running with the world's best text editor. No Vim experience is required, but you'll be productive in no time (and blazing-fast, soon).


Taught by
  • Ben Orenstein

    Ben Orenstein

    Ben has spoken about Vim, Rails, and Best Practices around the world. He hosts the Giant Robots podcast, and has mentored many developers through in-person apprenticeships as well as Upcase.

  • Chris Toomey

    Chris Toomey

    Chris is a big fan of Vim and the general Unix philosophy of sharp, focused tools. He started his career as a mechanical engineer but has always had a passion for programming, specifically web development. He has worked in Visual Basic and Python, but since finding Ruby and Rails, there’s been no looking back. Outside of coding, Chris is a fan of dinner with friends, skiing, and an embarrassingly eclectic cross section of music.