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Fundamentals of TDD

You've heard about testing, and even better "Test-Driven Development", but you're still not sure exactly what they are. Well now you'll know!

In this trail, thoughtbot developers Harry Schwartz and Ian C. Anderson cover core principles of writing code with Test-Driven Development. You'll learn about the benefits of testing, the way testing first applies positive design pressure to your code, and how to apply TDD to your own development.

Topics include the red-green-refactor loop, tests as living documentation of your code, why your test code shouldn't necessarily be free of duplication, leveraging your tests to lower risk when refactoring, and strategies for balancing integration and unit tests.

An included exercise offers an opportunity to get your hands dirty with RSpec and improve an existing test suite.


Taught by
  • Harry Schwartz

    Harry Schwartz

    Harry's interested in programming language theory, distributed systems, and teaching—he especially likes Ruby, Lisp, and languages with strong type systems. He organizes EmacsBoston, keeps a weird blog, and wanders around outside a lot.

  • Ian C. Anderson

    Ian C. Anderson

    Ian is a web developer who values good naming and bad puns. He is a fan of Ruby for its expressiveness and focus on TDD, and is interested in functional languages like Elixir, Elm, and Haskell. When he's not trying to find the perfect name for a function, he might be playing music or brewing beer at home.